Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review: 5/5 for Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
Hardcover, 458 pages
Published October 5th 2010 by Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Source: Purchased
Buy the book: Amazon : B&N : Goodreads

From Goodreads:
In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.
For some insane reason, I was not expecting much from this book. It's not one of my usual go-to's and definitely a little long to read while in grad school. The synopsis was, eh, so-so at best for me and didn't put me in any real rush to read it. Then I got involved with a couple Halloween read-a-thons and thought it would be a good fit for it. It turns out I was right and was relatively surprised with how much I loved this book.

The characters in this book feel very real to me. Benny, being the fifteen year old that he is, has the stereotypical incidents of "teenage-hood." The usual outbursts, emotional turmoils, rebellion against rules and family, and mistakes are not beneath him at all. However, it was very enjoyable to watch him grow-up and become so aware of the world around him. I could almost see his naivety floating off of the page. The most impressive evolution is his relationship with his brother, Tom, due to the life realizations. The book chronicles his "coming-of-age" story beautifully and it really holds the plot together like a central line. Many of the other characters that Benny is friends with go through similar trials and their relationships entwine seamlessly as they mature into young adults.

The plot holds steady through the book. It didn't matter when I put the book down or picked it up, I was always in the middle of some event going on in their lives. I can see some being put off because not all of these events were dramatic or heart-stopping, but they were essential. While not venturing out into danger, Benny was experiencing really strong events personally that really made up for it. These scenes were as involving to me as the actions scenes and really completed the book. Maberry held the delicate balance between the scenes wonderfully and it gives the reader a complete sense of satisfaction when they're finished with the book.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday - October 26, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme from Jill at Breaking the Spine. To join in, share the book or books that you are currently drooling over as you await their release and report back to Breaking the Spine with the link to your post. The gorgeous badge above is brought to us by Lindsay at The Violet Hour!

I've only got to read part of the first book of this series, but it already has its hooks in me! The author behind the book also has an interesting life story. :)

Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
Hardcover, 800 pages
Expected publication: November 8th 2011 by Random House

From Goodreads:
Not so very long ago, Eragon—Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider—was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders.

Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still, the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they will have to be strong enough to defeat him. And if they cannot, no one can. There will be no second chances.

The Rider and his dragon have come further than anyone dared to hope. But can they topple the evil king and restore justice to Alagaësia? And if so, at what cost?

This is the much-anticipated, astonishing conclusion to the worldwide bestselling Inheritance cycle.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Review: The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
Paperback, 386 pages
Expected publication: October 25th 2011 by Harlequin
Source: NetGalley, for review
Buy the book: Amazon : B&N : Goodreads

From Goodreads:

Ash, former prince of the Winter Court, gave up everything. His title, his home, even his vow of loyalty. All for a girl… and all for nothing.

Unless he can earn a soul.

To cold, emotionless faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase—a half human, half fey slip of a girl— smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the (unwelcome) company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end— a quest to find a way to honor his solemn vow to stand by Meghan’s side.

To survive in the Iron realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. At least, no one has ever passed to tell the tale.

And then Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that turns reality upside down, challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.
The Iron Fey series sits atop my "Favorites of Time" list. It has definitely been one that I compare many others to. A friend of mine loaned me the first couple of books and I quickly fell in love with them. I burned through them in a matter of a few short days. When The Iron Knight was announced, I literally did a dance. It's comes from one of my favorite characters point-of-view, Ash. I had anticipated for this book to be the culmination of all the emotions of the previous books. Well, it did all that and more!

The book picks up right were Iron Queen ended. Ash and Puck are traveling to find the path that leads Ash to his mortality. The quirks that Kagawa puts in between the two characters are hilarious. Their bantering keeps a great pace throughout the book. The reader finds out a lot of background info on both Ash and Puck through their traveling. A lot of it justifies previous decisions in life and shows them an alternate future for them. Their traveling group grows quickly and increases the readers interest. The ensuing twists and turns blooms into drama and action that makes the pages turn quickly. The "truth" that Ash discovers is a game-changer. There's several chapters spent on this and it is worth every one of them. It gives another perspective to Ash about his quest and helps him come to final decision. The concluding chapters will take your breath away.

While we've been with these characters for three books, there still was plenty of growing for them in this book. We get to see Ash in so much more depth in this book. There are many things that have just been touched upon in the past that are brought to life and a lot of it affects his future. His strengths and weaknesses are brought to light and you can see just how "human" he actually is. You will fall in love with him all over again. Puck gets his fair share of the lime light in this one as well. His meanderings keep Ash in line, whether either of them want it or not. Like Ash, his character is bared right down to the bone and you can see exactly what makes him tick. Before now, I regarded him simply as a quirky character. After reading this book I have genuine respect for him. He adds the comic relief, but also comes in when a voice of reason. I know, that doesn't sound right for Puck, but when you read it you'll understand! Meghan and other characters add substance to the journey and ensuing trials and tribulations. You will be holding on to this book till the very last page.

This conclusion to this part of Iron Fey series is absolutely breathtaking. It wraps up so many emotions while evoking many new ones. Ash's journey leads to the perfect ending for characters whose lives have just begun. I look forward to any and all of Kagawa's books. Her writing style and characters flow so well and are so easy for me to love. I have added all of her future books to my "to be read" pile and anxiously await every one of them.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

In My Mailbox - October 23, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a great way for bloggers to socialize and network their blogs and to share upcoming releases! To join in all the fun, simply:
  1. Make your own IMM post! You can post about books you've bought, gotten from the library, received for review... books don't have to arrive via your mailbox.
  2. You can post weekly, every other week, or one week out of the month, it’s up to you and it doesn't have to be on Sunday.
  3. Once you have your IMM posted, go to The Story Siren on her Sunday post and add your link to the list.
  4. Comment on other bloggers IMM posts.

*STRETCHES* Oh, hello there! It's been a couple of days since I've been able to post. Grad school has had a hold on me with vice grips for a few days and I thought I would take a break and say "Hello" to everyone. I've not been able to get much reading done but I still have been able to at least look for and pick up a couple of things. ;)

Bought for the Southern Festival of Books:

*Blood Red Road by Moira Young (signed) - Amazing reading with her! If you get the chance to meet her or attend a reading, do so. Not going is cutting yourself short!
*Sisters Red and Sweetly by Jackson Pearce (signed) - This girl is real. She is the type I could see sitting down at any lunch table and fitting in easily. Absolutely hilarious stories!
*The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - She had to cancel at the last minute, but I'd already bought the hardcover. I'd won the ARC in a giveaway and had hoped to giveaway this one on my blog after it was signed, so hopefully I'll catch her the next time around. :)


*Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
*Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
*Speak by Laurie Anderson - I've heard a lot of controversy about this book and found it at a used books store. I figured I'd get it to see what the fuss was about. :)

And finally, my giveaway earnings! I've been really fortunate lately for some reason. I've won five more books that have not arrived here yet!

*The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - Thank you, The Secret Life of an Avid Reader!
*Fury by Elizabeth Miles and *Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs (ARCs) - Thank you, Rachel @ Fiktshun's My Reading Pile!

I'll post again as soon as I can. Happy reading, friends!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday - October 12, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme from Jill at Breaking the Spine. To join in, share the book or books that you are currently drooling over as you await their release and report back to Breaking the Spine with the link to your post. The gorgeous badge above is brought to us by Lindsay at The Violet Hour!

Ok, I'm stepping out of my usual stomping grounds with this one. But, hey, androids? Heck to the yeah! I'm all over that!

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: January 3rd 2012 by Feiwel & Friends

From Goodreads:
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Review: 5/5 for Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld

Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld
Hardcover, 481 pages
Published October 5th 2010 by Simon Pulse
Source: Purchased
Buy the book: Amazon : B&N : Goodreads

From Goodreads:

The behemoth is the fiercest creature in the British navy. It can swallow enemy battleships with one bite. The Darwinists will need it, now that they are at war with the Clanker powers.

Deryn is a girl posing as a boy in the British Air Service, and Alek is the heir to an empire posing as a commoner. Finally together aboard the airship Leviathan, they hope to bring the war to a halt. But when disaster strikes the Leviathan's peacekeeping mission, they find themselves alone and hunted in enemy territory.

Alek and Deryn will need great skill, new allies, and brave hearts to face what's ahead.
This series keeps getting better and better. I waited to read this one until Goliath came out because I knew I'd want to head straight for it. The world that Westerfeld created within our own past is a piece of perfection.

Characters, characters, characters. I feel right at home with these. It is like we all have went to school together since kindergarten and know each others' every move. The relationships take sweet little twists and turns this time around. Ins and outs are shown and we learn more about our little friends this time. Now, in fear of releasing to much, I will say that Goliath will definitely epic on this level...

The storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat in this one. There's many plot lines going on at the same time, but they intertwine in some small and big ways. And, oh, the tangled web we weave as Alek and Deryn are both challenged to stand up into positions that are way beyond their years. Their shortcomings and successes make this a definite win for anyone!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday - October 5, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme from Jill at Breaking the Spine. To join in, share the book or books that you are currently drooling over as you await their release and report back to Breaking the Spine with the link to your post. The gorgeous badge above is brought to us by Lindsay at The Violet Hour!

I've not seen this one around too much, so I thought I would throw it around a little. I see a lot potential in it and hope it holds up to it. From what I hear it could be the little book that could for the first part of 2012.

Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
Hardcover, 326 pages
Expected publication: February 7th 2012 by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers

From Goodreads:

A Great and Terrible Beauty meets Cassandra Clare in this spellbinding fantasy

Everybody knows Cate Cahill and her sisters are eccentric. Too pretty, too reclusive, and far too educated for their own good. But the truth is even worse: they're witches. And if their secret is discovered by the priests of the Brotherhood, it would mean an asylum, a prison ship—or an early grave.

Before her mother died, Cate promised to protect her sisters. But with only six months left to choose between marriage and the Sisterhood, she might not be able to keep her word . . . especially after she finds her mother's diary, uncovering a secret that could spell her family's destruction. Desperate to find alternatives to their fate, Cate starts scouring banned books and questioning rebellious new friends, all while juggling tea parties, shocking marriage proposals, and a forbidden romance with the completely unsuitable Finn Belastra.

If what her mother wrote is true, the Cahill girls aren't safe. Not from the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood—not even from each other.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

In My Mailbox - October 2, 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a great way for bloggers to socialize and network their blogs and to share upcoming releases! To join in all the fun, simply:
  1. Make your own IMM post! You can post about books you've bought, gotten from the library, received for review... books don't have to arrive via your mailbox.
  2. You can post weekly, every other week, or one week out of the month, it’s up to you and it doesn't have to be on Sunday.
  3. Once you have your IMM posted, go to The Story Siren on her Sunday post and add your link to the list.
  4. Comment on other bloggers IMM posts.

Hello! Long time no see on IMM!! LOL It's been a day or two because of school, but I have been blessed to be bestowed with some awesome gifts and round up a couple of my own.

Nook Book:

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
-I will definitely be buying this one to have on my physical shelf after looking at a friend's. It's just too beautiful, inside and out!

Won from Giveaway:

Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep

-Thank you, A Night's Dream of Books!

Now, for real haul of books....These are all thanks to my best Book Buddy, Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter!


Want To Go Private by Sara Darer Littman
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin
Envy by Gregg Olsen

Tyger, Tyger
by Kersten Hamilton
The Scorpio Races - ARC by Maggie Stiefvater (*happy dance*)

That's all for now, friends! But, be warned. I have a load of books I'll be buying for the Southern Festival of Books and making a trip to my favorite used bookstore today. Watch out for a nice IMM next week or so!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October & Halloween Events!

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The True Book Addict is hosting this on her horror blog, Castle Macabre. It starts at 12:00am Monday, October 3rd, and runs through 11:59pm Sunday, October 9th. To join in the event, add you name to the list on blog, read at least one (1) scary book during the read-a-thon. This can also be a mystery or thriller if you're not a big fan of horror. Doing this automatically gets you entered in the giveaway! There will hopefully be mini-challenges and giveaways during the week. Go grab the button and use the hashtag #frightfall when tweeting about it!

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Ramblings of a Daydreamer is hosting this month-long event. From her blog:
For every paranormal book you read and review in the month of October, you’ll be entered in the giveaway to win one of the paranormal books below. All you have to do is sign up between now and October 7th, then starting October 1st, whenever you read and review a paranormal book, come back here and post a link to the review in the Mr. Linky. This post that you’re reading is just for sign-ups - starting October 1st, there will be a new post where people can leave their review links. Each review is an entry in the giveaway, and on November 1st, one winner will be chosen. All reviews must be posted for the first time between October 1st and October 31st, 2011.

The challenge part: you have to read and review a minimum of THREE paranormal books during October. You don’t have to choose them ahead of time, but you have to read at least three. For many of you, this will be no problem at all. If you don't think it's possible, don't sign up for the challenge.

The challenge says paranormal, but I’m going to go with a loose definition: basically, if it has any 'otherworldly' element to it, I’ll accept it, which means that I’m not going to say no to books that may fall into the category of fantasy or urban fantasy. Think faeries, vampires, werewolves, shifters, mermaids, angels, demons, witches, sirens, banshees, etc.
So go enter the Mr Linky, grab the button, make a post about the event, and dive in!

Review: 4/5 for Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Hereafter by Tara Hudson
Hardcover, 404 pages
Published June 7th 2011 by HarperCollins
Source: Gift from my good friend, Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter
Buy the Book: Amazon : B&N : Goodreads

From Goodreads:

Can there truly be love after death?
Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she's dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she's trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.
Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their newfound happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever.
Loved, loved the idea behind this book. I was so happy to read it from Ameilia's POV, the ghost's side. It seems like there's not many written in that direction or I just don't get my hands on them often enough. This is a great ghost story with a side of attraction and intrigue.
You can't help but love these characters. Amelia grows throughout the book and it's an interesting journey to watch. She only stumbles a few times because she'll get meek and a little timid. Joshua I adored. He's an all-around good guy that lets little phase him. I'm sure he'll win more than a few hearts more. Eli. Eli is a snot bag. I didn't care for him from the beginning and the rest of the book only confirmed it. He does help the story along, but that is his only redeemable trait. Believe it or not, I like that in character. So annoying or aggravating, but makes the book flow well.
The plot flows like a roller coaster. Slow in spots, twists and little turns, then flies trough at the end. It has just enough to keep you caught up in it. I do have some issues with the idea of Amelia and Joshua's relationship. Without going into too much detail, it's too unrealistic in too many ways. I like the way it's written, just not so fond of the idea of it. The last few chapters are absolutely addictive. So much is wrapped up in a short amount of time. When you hit the end, you sit back and just stare at it...I know this won't be appealing to everyone, but I think in this case it works out pretty well.