Hey friends,
Beth Revis is hosting a giveaway in honor of Thanksgiving and those that were there for her during the writing and publishing process.
She states:
I've got a lot to be thankful for--this year, the dream I've held dear for most of my life came true with the publication of my first novel. And in all honesty--it's been even better than I dreamed.
So this month, in honor of Thanksgiving and all that I've got to be thankful for, I want to thank you, the wonderful people who've been with me on this insanely glorious journey. And to do that, I've turned to some of the fantastic friends I've made along the way.
I tracked down every author I thanked in my acknowledgements--the ones who blurbed me, the ones who critiqued me, the ones who became my friends, and I got a signed copy of each of their books. Add that to a copy of Across the Universe and an ARC of A Million Suns, and this giveaway is...HUGE. 19-signed-books-plus-swag-and-more HUGE.

*SIGNED Advance Reader Copy of A Million Suns
*SIGNED paperback of Across the Universe
-Swag: bookmarks, bracelet, pin button, and poster
*A box of Turkish Delight (to celebrate the book I am most grateful for)
*SIGNED paperback of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
-Signed bookmark of Supernaturally
*SIGNED hardback of Graveminder by Melissa Marr
*SIGNED paperback of The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
-Swag from Carrie
*SIGNED paperback of When Mike Kissed Emma by Christine Marciniak
*PRE-ORDER of Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, with SIGNED bookplate
-Stickers for Incarnate trading cards for Solstice
*SIGNED hardback of Memento Nora by Angie Smibert
*SIGNED hardback of The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
*SIGNED hardback of Possession by Elana Johnson
*SIGNED paperback of XVI by Julia Karr
*SIGNED hardback of Hourglass by Myra McEntire
*SIGNED hardback of The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell
-Bookmarks, swag, and a signed bookplate from Saundra
(which you could use for the sequel, The Springsweet)
*SIGNED hardback of The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
*SIGNED hardback of Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
*SIGNED hardback of Wither by Lauren de Stefano
-That includes a hand-written sneak-peek of the sequel, Fever!
*SIGNED hardback of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
*SIGNED paperback of The Liar Society by Lisa and Laura Roecker
-Swag from Matt Blackstone, Keri Mikulski, Stacia Kehoe, Helen Landalf, Caroline Starr, Carrie Harris, Sonia Gensler, Ruta Sepetys, Terry Johnson, Kristen Hubbard, Sara Bennet Wealer, and Kim Harrington--much of is signed!
Not only will one lucky person get this amazing package, but there will also be four runner-ups with their own packages!
Entering is easy, just tell people about a book you're thankful for, include a link to the contest on her blog, the graphic up top, and you're qualified.
This one took me awhile to figure out. I've always been surrounded by books in one form or another. So, narrowing it down to a few was difficult, let alone one. Finally, I picked one that really brought my family together.

The Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
I was in high school at the time of its release. My brother was in 5th grade and his class was reading chapters from the book daily. I'd never dipped into the "young adult" section of books before and really didn't think much about it. However, my brother was not an avid reader. He always had something better to do than sit down and read a book. I realized there might be something with these books when I came home from after-school practice and found him on the couch with the book in his lap. I was actually quite floored. I made a mental note to get around to the book then. (Overachiever, barely had time to breathe in high school.)
It wasn't until the first movie came out that I got suckered into reading it. My Mom and brother saw the movie in the theater with a couple of his friends. When they got home, Mom was so fidgety and hyper! I can remember her saying to me, "Nik, you are going back with me to see this movie! You are just like the girl in it. She has 'I read it in...' in every one of her sentences!"
I read Goblet of Fire that weekend, went to the Tuesday night showing of the movie, and bought the first three books on Wednesday. I was completely enthralled with the series and genre itself. For the first time a book had brought me and my brother together on common ground and introduced me to a new line of books that was so fun to read. After this period of time, all three of us rotated the next new book around and it really set the scene for many books/series that came out later.
The connection and introduction that this book gave me to my family and the genre is what makes me thankful for it. It's also a series that got many children back into the spirit of reading in a time that technology was just beginning to take over our every day lives. My mom drilled the advice of "Being able to read is the key to an education, Nik. An education is something that will always help you in some way and it's very hard to take away from you." I will always support books in general for that reason. It makes me thankful that they are there to encourage
literacy by the wonderful worlds that are created by the authors!
It seems like a lot of people are going with Harry Potter, which shows just how life changing it was. I;m glad it affected you
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