Q: How many books are currently in your To-Be-Read (TBR) pile?
General answer? TOOoooooo many....there's not enough hours in the day, week, month, or year to get caught up on all that I want to read. If you want to be literal about it, according to my Goodreads.com account that is fairly updated: 475. NOW, granted, this does include books that I read years and years ago that I want to re-read. I usually take new books over those usually and figure that I'll get back to others (Yeah, right. Reference second sentence of this paragraph. LOL).

Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?
Wow, way to make it a toughie! I love so many, it's really hard to decide on a single one. If I had to list a few top choices it would be paranormal, steampunk urban fantasy, or dystopian YA. I used to be really deep into adult romance of all kinds, especially historical. Buuuttttt....then I decided to finish my Bachelor's. For some reason I couldn't wrap my mind around a lot of the books that came out in that. I was griping about that very thing in class one day and a friend recommended I look into YA. She said that maybe all I needed was something different since school had probably "messed with my head." (Yeah, we college students with great vocabularies, right?) She loaned me her copy of Marked by P.C. & Kristin Cast and the rest, as they say, is history. In YA in general, I found that my mind is put at ease when I read them. I now enjoy reading more now, and I honestly did not think that was possible!
-Congrats to Parajunkee on the 50th FF post!
New follower,,,and I also enjoy alot of Ya novels,,I actually just got thru reading the Hunger Games Trilogy,,and loved it..
have a great weekend.
Hi & Happy Friday!
A great choice, I love a variety of genres but my fave would be UF :)
I am a new follower.
My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice weekend.
I am new to steampunk, but I have really liked what I’ve read. Happy Follow friday, and than you for stopping by my blog (and for the follow). I am following you back, happy reading.
Book Savvy Babe
Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out earlier!
I think everyone needs that period of space after finishing college lol
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
Just hopping back!
What a great tale about finding and falling in love with ya!
stopping by for the follow friday!
I really thought this was a though question as well
have a wonderfull weekend
Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I followed back.
I know exactly what you mean when you say YA puts your mind at ease. It does the same for me!
awesome choice.
New follower. My FF blog:
The Write Obsession
Thanks for stopping by mine!
I'm happy you enjoy reading more! I went through something similiar where I was just burned out on reading. YA brought me back too.
New follower
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out
Hopping through. New follower! I think it's wonderful that so many adults are getting into YA.
My Hop
hee-hee. School messed with your head. Been there. Thanks for the follow. Following you back. I love what you've done so far! :)
~Trish Just a YA Girl
I'm new the the #FF hop and now a new follower of your blog! Thanks for stopping by Sarah's Books & Life earlier!
I love your "Sticky" system
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Enjoyed reading your answer here. Happy Reading!
I love YA books! They are SO great! I really need to read more Urban Fantasy as well. :)
Thanks for hopping by! I'm now following your blog!
I admit I have a few rereads on the TBR pile too! I have about 100 physical books, but I didn't include the books I have heard about that I want to read, etc., as that number would get overwhelming right away!
Anja @ http://reading2011.blogspot.com
Hi Nikki! Thanks for hopping by my blog... following back now! I haven't tried steampunk yet, but I keep hearing good things so it's probably time for me to try something new!
I STILL have not read any Steampunk. I have noticed quite a few people saying how much they love it. I have a couple of my TBR list so I might have to get to them sooner then later!
Hi Nikki! Thanks for following our blog, I'm a new follower.
See you around!
Dang girl!! That's a lot of books!! :o) Hopefully we can get through some of those AND add more great ones! New follower, and thanks for finding my blog!
Mickey @ imabookshark
hopped over to return the follow! Thanks for stopping by!
I'm with you about the TBR pile!! LOL, way too many!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, enjoy your weekend!
Wuuuh?! 475 books?!?!?!! I have like 10 books okay? I don't understand how everyone has these epic TBR lists hahah!!! That's awesome, thanks for stopping by and following. I'm following too ;)
Lah @ LazyGirl Reads
I totally hear you about college. I work at a university.
Happy reading and hope you have a great weekend! New follower and hope you'll follow me back!!
New follwer!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
It was a hard question this week. so hard to pick one genre!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. Following back!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back. I like so many genres, it's hard to pick a favorite. I am looking forward to reading more of your reviews! Have a great weekend.
ABookGeek - LLM
Thanks for stopping by my blog! There seems to be an overall theme with TBR piles....ALOT! I'm now following and look forward to reading your reviews.
The Cottage Bookshelf
Hey Nikki!
I really enjoyed the Marked series :) Should say "am enjoying" I guess, since the series isn't finished (and I kinda hope it doesn't finish ;)) Sometimes I think the books, especially the first couple, are a bit too wordy, but I totally overlook that b/c I love Stevie Rae and Stark and Heath!
Following you now,
Ninja Girl
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You do have a big TBR list! I thought mine was crazy with almost 200. Happy reading!
Thanks for hopping by! I am now a follower.
The same thing kind of happened to me. Not the Bachelor's thing; I'm still working on that. But, when I was younger, if I read (which was rare), I read mystery. I loved it, but I guess it didn't speak to me. It wasn't until I read YA fantasy that my love of reading really ignited. It's really interesting what finding your niche will do, isn't it?
Happy Friday! Thanks for the follow, I'm following back. : ) I think reading other peoples blogs and spending far too much time on goodreads is to blame for my insanely large TBR list, lol. On that note I'm just getting into steampunk so if you have any recommendations come drop me a line!
Happy Friday!
Hey nikki, thanks for the follow, i'm following back now. I'm also a fan of The House of Night series but i was really disappointed with Awaken. Have a great weekend ;)
I think that there's no such thing as too many books, only too little time to read them.
Thanks for following, I'm following you back.
Happy blogging.
Impressive TBR file!!! I’m a new follower. Have a great weekend!
Hi, just hopping on by returning your visit. Have a great weekend.
Nice blog!! i was just in a small blog, large giveaway that ended last week and the book i donated for that was a PC Cast novel. Thanks for stopping by.
I haven't read any steampunks yet, apart form the prequel for The Girl In the Steel Corset, but I plan on changing that. Thanks for visiting my blog and happy friday!
New follower :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Friday!
My TBR pile scares me. I agree with the whole not-enough-time idea.. Haha :]
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend! :]
NoraBell, The Bookery
Hi! We share a lot of the same taste in books. My TBR list is ridiculous and it's never seems to end. :)
Thanks for stopping by, I'm a new follower.
Neri @In The Name Of Books
Hi, returning the visit& the follow. YA books really are a fun switch from college books. :) And yay for a steampunk shout out.
Happy Friday!
New follower, thanks for stopping by!
Jen @ A Reader's Journey
Happy Hopping!
New follower - love your blog.
Following back from follow friday. Awesome favorite genre story!! Im so happy you found YA lol.
Happy Reading!!
Thanks so much for becoming a follower of mine. I'm now following you back. I like all the genres you mention.
The Scarf Princess
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog! New follower :)
Thanks for hopping by my blog earlier. I've read a few of your reviews and I'm really enjoying your blog.
Have a great weekend!
Thx for visiting StuckInBooks.com earlier.
It seems we have a lot in common.
New follower.
Thanks for hopping back to my blog and becoming a follower.
New Follower for you now too. :)
Completely unrelated to this post... but I love the look of your blog. So fun! I'm your newest follower. :)
Enjoy The Forest of Hands and Teeth... I loved it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, following back :]
Hi Nikki, returning the follow!
Alyssa @ Hesperia Loves Books
Thanks for stopping by my blog, following you now too! I got into YA through a friend's recommendation too and it's a nice break from some of the books I read!
Jamie @ Bookerella
thanks for coming by seduced by books :)
New follower! I am really loving Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy right now! Happy follow friday! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by!
Coming to follow back and thanks again! I really like your blog! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! New follower! I agree, TBR piles can seem daunting!
I love YA as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm now your newest follower.
Thanks for coming by:) Wow, 475 is no small number...and here I was thinking I was going to have some trouble finishing my 87 TBR books!
I've always loved YA books (because of my age) so I'm glad you like it too :D
Felicia @ A Novel Paradise
New follower hehe. Looking forward to reading more of your reviews! (:
new follower via FF! yey to YA!
I've been reading a lot more contemporary novels this year than I have in the past and I've also been getting into Steampunk and of course Urban Fantasy as well. So, yeah that's been a lot of fun. :)
And wow, thank you so much for the following, lovin' your awesomely cool blog!
Suz @ A Soul Unsung
Wow, thats a lot to read..I guess there are so many good books out there! And def not enough time!
Hopping through - have a great weekend!
I really wish I could read faster...or win the lottery so I can sit at home and read all day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Already a follower :-D
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower.
I have too many books on my tbr list as well!
Have a nice weekend.
I am so in love with the House of Night Series!!!! Great answer.
Thanks for stopping by and following me. New follower.
I really liked the idea of your "sticky" system. Its FAB!!!
Rereads always get in the way. I think half my tbr consists of them. Love your blog, I'm now following.
I can definitely see how Marked brought you into the YA world! Thank you for stopping by my FF, I am returning the follow! Have a great weekend!!
WOW your TBR pile is mammoth, so many good books to read, I'm sure I won't be far behind you soon as I keep adding to my pile.
Marked was the first Vampire/Paranormal I ever read and I was hooked from there, before that I would never have picked one up.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, have a great week. :D
Don't worry about your TBR pile - I'm never going to get through mine either! I love reading YA as well; there is some really good writing in those books.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you have a good weekend!
I agree that I have way too many books on my TBR pile and it grows and changes daily. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm a new follower.
Thanks for stopping by my blog -- now I'm discovering yours! Seems like this Hop question should have all of us starting a banner of "Book addicts in good company". :)
Good luck reading all of those books!:D
Make sure to check out my giveaways
50 Follower Giveaway
Keeper Giveaway
I feel the same way about YA. That my mind is put at ease when I read them, however I don't think I could give up my romance. I loves me some romance. Thanks so much for stopping by and following. I'm following back.
Thanks for stopping by, new follower. I have found I can read more para-YA than contemp.
New follower! Thank you for making me feel more comfortable admitting that I read YA as well! I always thought I was in the minority (aside from Twilight of course)!
Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I started reading the Marked series but only got to book three. I see that you're reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth! I absolutely loved that book. I haven't had the heart to read the next book though!
New Follower!
~Happy Reading!~
Hi Nikki. Good answer - it is really tough to come up with a definitive favourite is you have eclectic reading tastes. But for me Urban Fantasy usually edges out the others just a little.
Thanks for stopping past my blog and for the follow - following you back.
The Word Fiend
I only counted physical books in my house (which still brought me to about 200). If I counted my Amazon and Chapters accounts, who knows where I'd be.
Hi! I'm returning your visit/follow. I totally identify with what you said about how you got into YA- it's so nice to read something fun and relaxing. YA can still be challenging, but I think it's more comfortable for me right now!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you as well! I love the Carrie Ryan series that you are currently reading. I am a Nook person as well, but I still have the original 3G one. And I love it. Glad to hear you love the new Nook!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I have wayyyyyy too many in my TBR pile too! It's ridiculous! My fave genre is historical romance! Just love them!
Happy Blog Hop!
Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter
Thanks for stopping by! I definitely used to be into Romance and Historical Romance a lot... (They were probably 80% of what I read) But now that I'm almost finished with college I've completely done a 180 and all I read is YA. I don't know what happened but I don't find Romance as thrilling anymore I guess, or maybe my appetite has just changed. Either way, I LOVE YA! Have a great week! ;) New follower.
I hear you on the too many books in the TBR pile! I love young adult books for a similar reason - I had actually given them up once I hit my twenties, but just recently went back to reading them and I love them so much, I feel like I have a few years worth of catching up to do! lol
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