This meme comes from Zakiya at Butterfly Feet Walking On Life. The object is to post what you have finished in the last week, what you are currently reading, what you plan to read in the coming week, and what you want to buy next. You can also post about reviews you've written, challenge statuses, and memes you have done, though these aren't mandatory.
Alrighty, then. This has been a really short week for me as far as reading goes. Having been busy with work, trying to get things straightened up and organized at home after the road trip for the funeral, playing with my new toy that will introduce in a day or two, and, of course, spending a lot of time working on this blog. That last fact has probably taken up more time than the others honestly! LOL I swear this stuff is additive! I love being able to make the page look like I want it to and getting to know other bloggers. There's so many other designs that I'd like to try, but I want to get back to my books soon. I know they miss me! So, I have made a promise to myself that I will only tweak the blog as needed since it is up and running. I've got a few events planned for this week, but I should be able to get back in my groove and get some reading in. :)
What I've read this week:

Firelight by Sophie Jordan - Review
The Twisted Thread by Charlotte Bacon - Review
What I'm digging into now: - I've not got to get really started on either, but they're lying open waiting for me. :) Should be able to hit them hard today!

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
Next up on my list:

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
"Note-worthy" Posts: -
Not too many this week since I just started, but look forward to more!
Uncharted Territory...
It's Monday! What are you reading?
Waiting on Wednesday
Book Blogger Hop; Follow Friday
Challenge Update:
-I'm looking forward to getting into more of these! I feel like I started late this year and I'm not sure if I should commit to any more or not. Thoughts or advice?
Goodreads - 35 of the 50 I pledged to read. 70% completed.
-I may actually visit the idea of upping this challenge instead of committing to new ones.
Happy reading, friends!
Hey stopping by from follow friday, great choices & great blog! Looking forward to more posts. Have a great weekend. New follower!
Darcy @ Open Book Empty Cup
I absolutely loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. I have the next book in the series checked out to me currently from my library and am hoping to get to it soon. I also have Leviathan checked out to me too. I am a HUGE fan of Scott Westerfeld and expect to really, really like it.
~Asheley @ Into the Hall of Books
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