Feature & Follow is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
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Q: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness…
Ok, I'm not good at writing graphic goriness, because I love just traditional zombie-ness and all its goodness. So, with that considered, I would go with Jonathan Maberry's Rot & Ruin. One, I love the story in it, some of it is cliche, but I love its flow and concepts. Two, I absolutely love the characters and already have my dream list of actors to play the characters. Due to my general boring-ness of an answer, please inform me of what your dream Halloween-book-to-movie selection would be!
Ooh that sounds intriguing! Haven't heard of that one I don't think!
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
I hadn't heard of that before but it does sound interesting! ^.^ New follower (Frodosco - GFC). If you would like to check out my FF you can do so here. :)
ok, i am much more boring than you as I have no response...I don't care to be scared out of pants, so no scary or gore for me. New follower through GFC as lucyatmax/no pic. I can be found and followed at bethartfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Happy Friday!
I'm reading Rot & Ruin right now and already agree tat yes - this would make a creepy zombie movie.
I have read the book, didn't love it, but found it very entertaining. ;) A movie with zombies, I would watch that!
Happy Endings
I haven't read that one but I've seen it around and it looks scary haha. Forest of Hands and Teeth is the only zombie book I've ever read, although I may need to pick some up for Halloween this year. Thank you so much for following, and am so glad you are liking The Dark and Hallow Places. I am now following you back 8)
:) I find zombie movies to be really funnies. I know they are supossed to be scary but I can't evoid to laugh when I watch them.
Thanks for the follow - Following u via GFC
I am a new follower. GFC
Never heard of that book, :) Come see my choice if you want.
Follow Friday Hop
This one sounds good!
~Stephanie @ Bookfever
Great pick! I didn't even think of this one!
New follower!
Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away!
Interesting, I've never heard of this book, I'll have to look it up :D Thanks for following, I'm a new gfc follower!
-Novel Reveries
Zombies always make great Halloween movies! Thanks for the follow - I followed back via GFC.
I have the rot & ruin book in my bookcase but have yet to read it. :)
New follower. Thanks you for following me as well.
- Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad to see I'm not the only one who chose Rot & Ruin. :) Following back at ya!
Oh, I just heard about this book for the first time yesterday. Sounds good and gory!
I keep meaning to check this one out. It sounds like a great Halloween read!
Thanks for stopping by and following! Following you back via GFC.
Have never heard of Rot & Ruin. Probably because I'm not usually a fan of gore-y zombie novels, but that's a great choice for this question!
Reeka Visit my FF here
Rot and Ruin sounds really good. I will have to check it out. Old Follower. =] Thanks for sharing and visiting My FF
Michael @ The Bookshelf Review
I've not read Rot & Ruin.
Thanks for stopping by my Friday Hop :)
I haven't heard of Rot & Ruin! (Nor have I read any zombie books) :) Cool choice & thanks for stopping by my post! New follower!
Great Choice!!!! :)
That's a new book to me. Sounds good.
Thanks for stopping by.
I don't Rot and Ruin. Sounds like a good choice though.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back!
Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog
Thanks for the follow and returned the favor on all the links
I have a copy of Rot & Ruin sitting on my shelf! Will definitely have to read it soon. :) Thanks for stopping by our blog. Following back now. :D
Louisse @ The Soul Sisters
I've had Rot & Ruin on my tbr list for a while, sounds like I should finally pick it up. It definitely seems like a good choice
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've followed back. :)
HI =) I am a new follower. I love your blog. my blog: morgankatz505.blogspot.com
Are you kidding? That's not a boring answer at all! I'm dying to read the Rot and Ruin series! There's just doesn't seem to be any time!!!
New follower here, yay!
Thanks for stopping by my FF'S for this week
Book Me! and Carmen Jenner.com
Happy Reading!
Oh I haven't heard of this one! Nice! :)
New Follower!
Thanks for stopping by - happy to return the follows.
I read his Pinedeep trilogy, but haven't gotten around to Rot & Ruin quite yet.
Thanks for stopping by my blog~ I'll put Rot 4 Ruin in my to-be-read list!
New follower
I haven't read that one.
New Follower :)
Thanks for stopping by My FF
Love zombies! Great pick! Thanks for stopping by
my FF. New follower via GFC
I really need to read this book. It's gotten rave reviews. It's definitely high on my list!! Thanks for stopping by!
I actually just won this book as part of a giveaway! I am now super excited to read it : ) Thanks for stopping by my FF. I am following you back.
I haven't read this book, but it does sound great for Halloween. Thanks for sharing!
I've never heard of that book but it does sound like a great Halloween pick. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you back :)
World of Books
I've seen that book around quite a bit, I really should get a copy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, following back!
I've heard of Rot & Ruin, but haven't read it yet since I'm just getting into zombies. Thanks for visiting! Old follower.
I hadn't heard of this book yet. Thanks for stopping by my FF, and now following via Linky! :)
Haven't read it yet, BUT it is on my very long TBR list lol
Old Follower.Thanks for stopping by mine last week! -Becky @ Book Bite Reviews
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