Follow Friday is also a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee. It's another way to connect with fellow bloggers! First, blog about Follow Friday and weekly question, then leave your name on the Linky list, and visit as many blogs as you can on the list and tell them "Hi!" in their comments on their FF post. You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!
Q. What do you do when you are not reading?
Well, this is easy and difficult at the same time. Before the busy last couple of weeks came about, I usually did things with the hubby or friends. Now, this includes anything from annoying him while he's watching his cartoons (I promise that I'm not making that up LOL), going out to lunch, or having one heckuva pow-wow with friends about life events or, more commonly, school stuff.
However, there is one true thing that I always fall back on if all else fails: art. I was the art geek all through school. For some reason, once people learn this about me they are genuinely surprised and I honestly do not know why. LOL Apparently it's not a vibe that I give off or something. It is still hard for me to walk by certain paintings and ceramics without stopping to study and critique them. It can certainly make for a long shopping trip through some stores!
I still have that charcoal drawing you did of me from high school art class. You definitely have a knack for it. :)
Old follower stopping by. Happy Follow Friday!
I admire all of you artists out there. I unfortunately don't have an artistic bone in my body. I can barely color within the lines.
Have a great weekend.
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
oh, I believe you about the cartoons. lol. art. that is another great escape or means of relaxation. hop on by my blog at http://sidnebkclubreviewz.blogspot.com
Hello! I'm a new follower - found you via Parajunkee's Follow Friday blog hop. :-))
I wish I understood more about art. I know what I like but can't explain why. You've got one up on me there!
Please stop by my Follow Friday post when you get a chance:
Have a great Friday! :D
Oh I believe you about the hubbs and his cartoons! Mine is a big old-school Thundercats fan!
I'm an old follower hopping through to wish you a happy Friday!
My Friday Post: http://www.handsandhome.ca/2011/07/follow-friday-11.html
thanks for the follow! following back!
for the commute i recommend audiobooks! they are awesome! i can usually "read" a book about every 1.5 weeks. makes the commute super fast :)
That's so cool that you are into art. I have one friend whose talents so amaze me because I'm generally pretty happy with my stick figure people.
Being interested in art is very cool, even better is if you actually can make the art. I'm able to draw a little bit, but other than that the art gene passed me up.
New Follower, cruised around your blog, looks like we read the same type of books... :-)
I'm a new follower. I used to always want to be really good at art. I've kind of accepted that it's never going to happen now.
Char@ From the Shadows I Review
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Now following you via goodreads.
I used to be an ok art tudent. But I grew out of it and now I suck. I'm glad you can still use your talents! That's a great gift to have and use. Stopping through on FF. New follower. Have a good weekend.
I was so big into art in high school and I even had a painting in the NC Museum of Art for a year as part of a North Carolina Young Artists gallery, but I never went to see it (despite living FIVE miles away). And then I got to college and went into social sciences and forgot about creativity.
New follower! Happy Friday, and thanks for stopping by earlier!
Book Brats!
Thanks for stopping by, already a follower.
Have a Great Week!
Love art geeks!
Here's mine: http://www.stuckinbooks.com/2011/07/follow-friday-7-15-11.html
Thanks for stopping by and following me. I am now following you back! Love your blog.
Hi, old follower stopping by! Great answers! Happy Friday and check out my Follow Friday post on my blog!
Kristen @suchateenagebookworm.blogspot.com
Hi Nikki, thanks for stopping by my blog! I am returning the favour. How are you doing with Uglies? Do you enjoy distopian fiction? Sonette @ Bookworm Blog
Really like the design of your blog. I have been thinking about reading the Uglies series, I'll check in later to read your review.
BTW, returned the follow
I loved reading your FF post. Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower. :)
Reading Lark's Follow Friday & Hop
How fun that you love art so much. Do you have a favorite? I tried to hone my skills with drawing, but I feel like I'm too much of a perfectionist and can't just sketch something out in the beginning with hinders me.
New follower.
I'm an art geek too! It was one of my favorite classes in HS and everyone was surprised about that too, since they always considered me a science freak or something. I don't know :S haha
happy friday! following you back! :]
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love art, though I've never really taken it up. I don't have the patience for that sort of thing so I commend you for doing art. Have a great weekend!
I do that too! Well, needless to say I'm not quite good at it, but I will tell you that I practice! I practice and practice drawing.
I used to do ceramics as well, because my cousin has an entire studio where she gave me a corner of my own. I made vases, ashtrays with different designs and figurines too! With plenty of refs but still!
And you have a new follower too! You call me friiend ;-; <3
New follower here :) Found you on Follow Friday! If you'd like to visit me back, my own FF post is here: http://skyink.net/?p=2363 Hope you have a great day!
hi! stopping by for follow friday - i wish i had some..ANY...artistic ability. I can barely muster out a stick figure!
Hopping through. So cool that you were an art critic. You might be interested in a gallery I went to in Duluth MN. The artist makes the most incredible pictures solely with crayons. I couldn't believe the detail.
My Hop
Thanks for stopping by my post and following. I'm following you too!
Lucky! I've always wanted to be able to draw! I stink, so instead my creative outlet is scrapbooking! It's def still fun though! :)
I def love my girly pow wows too!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wish I were more artistic. I am truly horrible at drawing.
@Ramblings From This Chick
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Following back now.
What do you think of Fallen? I haven't started the series yet, but I have the first three books. I should pick those up soon. :)
Also, I love your sticky note rating system!
have a great weekend,
Thanks for becoming a follower of my site. I'm now following you back.
The Scarf Princess
I am an art geek. Although not good at critiquing more with the making.
Hi, returning the visit and the follow. :) That's so cool that you like art. It's always fun to have an interest that people don't expect. Nothing wrong with long shopping trips!
Happy Friday.
I enjoy pencil sketching when I get some free time too. I'm not that good, but it's fun.
Thanks for the follow, following back!
I use to do some pencil sketching and painting here and there. Now I mainly do doodles on the computer that aren't nearly as nice if I were to do them by hand.
Thanks for following my blog, I'm now following back.
I wish I had some artistic talent. I keep telling my friends they need to marry artist so I can have some original work in my house.
Hey, you're never too old for cartoons! ;)
I'm a huge fan of art! Especially sketching with pencils because I find that my pictures look best uncolored (most of the time). But I love working with hand-on materials like clay and plasticine, too!
We have a lot in common! :)
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Hey Nikki! Thanks for the compliment! I like my blog and it's little monsters :) Thanks for visiting us!
So, now I'm curious as to what cartoons your husband watches... I watch cartoons for kids .. and I appear to be an adult but I swear it's good television! They have good stories! haha. Your husband sounds like an awesome person :)
Happy Friday!
P.S. I followed you back
-Jenna @ the book element
thnx for stopping by my blog and for the follow.
Hopping back to wish a wonderfull weekend!
following back.
Kyanara from Laced Little Muffin's reading corner
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm returning the favor.
Have a great weekend.
Go to www.kristinanelson.com for the Crayon gallery website.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following back!
p/s: It's cool to be an art junkie :)
I am not talented with anything art related at all. It is so sad.
I'm a new follower.
Art is so great. It's cool to see all the different uses for various materials. This is my new art project: http://www.delightedmomma.com/2011/06/diy-bangles.html
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower.
I wish I was artistic!! I'm always envious of artists and creative people!
New follower!!
Hi Nikki! I am so not the artsy type, my brother got all the talent :) Old follower just hopping in to say hello.
I have noticed a running theme with husbands who love thier cartoons this week! I'm glad I'm not along - my hubby is a Thundercats geek! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog at Hands and Home, I am now following you back!
Thanks for stopping by! We are now following you back. :)
Art is amazing. I grew up in the historial arts and antiques district of a nearby town. My dad did charcoal, colored pencil, oil paint and sculpting.
I can draw stick figures and that's about it LOL.
Happy Follow Friday!
I've always envied artists! I can't do...well...anything creative without a LOT of help! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
New Follower! I love the look of your blog.
In high school I was so into theatre and drama... wish I had time for it now.
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