In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a great way for bloggers to socialize and network their blogs and to share upcoming releases! To join in all the fun, simply:
- Make your own IMM post! You can post about books you've bought, gotten from the library, received for review... books don't have to arrive via your mailbox.
- You can post weekly, every other week, or one week out of the month, it’s up to you and it doesn't have to be on Sunday.
- Once you have your IMM posted, go to The Story Siren on her Sunday post and add your link to the list.
- Comment on other bloggers IMM posts.
Good day, friends! My list is going to be short and sweet this week. These are books I have already read, but I have been on a mission. I've been slowly collecting books that I would like to have for author events in the next couple of weeks. This may not sound too difficult, but there is actually quite a few that will be within driving distance of me! I've been able to get a few of the ones I need this week, but I think I'm only about half way through my list.
Here's what I bought or bought and finally received this week:

Linger by Maggie Stiefvater (Seeing her in Nashville today!)
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (No signing here, I was just happy to find a hardcover copy to match my copy of Behemoth. I'm just a little picky about that...Which is why it took me so long to get my own copy.)

The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, and The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
I had already planned on buying my own copies of these, because it is one of my favorite series. Then I found out she will be coming through on the Ash to Nash tour and quickly bumped them up on my "have to buy" list.
I can think of at least four, if not five, books that I would love to be able to own before the Ash to Nash tour comes this way. If I can swing it, it would be a dream come true to have them all signed. It's going to be interesting to see if I can figure it out before the day gets here. We're moving this week and that has thrown a wrench in a lot of my book plans. Either way it goes, I'm going to have some fabulous pictures to post in the next couple of weeks!
Happy reading!
NIce haul this week! I know what yoiu mean about trying to get books for signings. We have a couple coming out my way in the next month and I also need to make sure i have paper copies of the books as well as e-book copies.
I loved the iron iron fey series and am jealous you are meeting Maggie stiefvater and Julia Kagawa.
Happy reading and going to signings :)
Great set! I love the whole Iron Fey series. You're so lucky that she's coming to a signing your way.
got my Iron Fey set from The Book Depository months ago! sigh.
Nice IMM. The Iron Fey is awesome! No words. I'm going to review because I finally finished reading all of them including The Iron Knight. In love with Ash.
You've got some great stuff this week. I've read the Iron King, and I enjoyed it, the others are on my shelf, but have not been read by me. I'll get there. Good Luck with the move!
I love The Iron Fey series! I checked them out from my library, but I fell in love with it, so I've decided I have to own them. Happy reading!
I love it when I can get a whole series at one time. I hate waiting for the next books if the series turns out to be good.
An awesome week! Great stuff... I LOVE The Iron Fey series :)
Check out what's In My Mailbox
Mia @ Gripped into Books
Great mailbox!! Loved the Iron Fey series and The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy! Have fun at Maggie's signing! She's a riot!
Happy Reading! Here's my IMM
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Enjoy your books!! :D My IMM is here!
Happy Reading!
~Zakiya LadyWings :D
Gahhh, I really need to read the Iron Fey series!
Nice mailbox! I haven't started the Iron Fey series yet. I cannot wait to see what you think of these.
Book Sniffers Anonymous
I loved Leviathan, hope you will too!
I've got a signed copy of "Leviathan" I heart Scott Westerfeld :) I've also got "Linger" but wanting to re-read "Shiver" first. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Iron Series.
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